Webinar on Flood Insurance Reform – Presented by Bruce Bender and Chad Berginnis

Implementation and Impacts of Flood Insurance Reform Legislation
Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 12:00 PM (60 minutes)

Location: Online

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM)

Online – Webinar
Thursday, November 20, 2014
12:00pm – 1:00pm Central Standard Time (starting at 1:00pm Eastern, 11:00am Mountain, 10:00am Pacific)

This webinar was formerly titled, “HFIAA (GW-14) Meets BW-12”

The Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 recently became law, but changes have already been put in place and more are planned as implementation continues for both the new law and the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. Rather than rolling back the Biggert-Waters reforms, the HFIAA in fact added more sections while rolling back only a couple. Floodplain managers and the public will still need to understand the reforms in both bills and be prepared to address the flood insurance affordability issues that remain.

HFIAA will affect every single NFIP policyholder and its reforms actually could result in higher total flood insurance costs for some property owners than under Biggert-Waters. Sadly, flood insurance affordability will continue to be an issue. There are several changes related to flood mapping processes, to outreach, to information on the maps themselves. FEMA is trying to fast track many of these changes but will be slowed down due to rulemaking on others.

In this webinar, you will learn:
What sections and changes have already been implemented and which will be implemented in the near future,
To be better prepared for the questions from policy- and non-policyholders on implementation of the reform laws including rate changes and premium refunds, and
Strategies and actions that can be taken to help policyholders reduce flood insurance premiums and address affordability.
All registered participants will receive access to an electronic recording of this eLearning training opportunity!

Bruce Bender, Bender Consulting Services, LLC
Chad Berginnis, ASFPM Executive Director

1 Core CEC for CFMs

NOTE: CFMs who have previously attended ASFPM’s webinar titled “HFIAA (GW-14) Meets BW-12” and received CECs will not be eligible to receive CECs for participating in this encore (retitled) webinar.

$30* ASFPM Individual Members
$45* ASFPM Corporate / Agency Partners / Chapters
$60 Non-Members

*Members must enter the event promo code at registration to receive the preferred rate.

Click here to register online

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